2016-2017 AAFP Program of Excellence Award Winners
After an outstanding year of giving back to the Washington, D.C. community, the members of the HUCM Family Medicine Interest Group traveled to Kansas City, MO to be awarded the Program of Excellence Award in Community Service and Engagement. This award was granted by the American Academy of Family physicians during the July, 2017 National Conference of Family Medicine.
The Family Medicine Interest Group at Howard University College of Medicine (HUCM) strives to highlight the diversity of the Family Medicine specialty. Some of their latest events include volunteering with non-profit organizations that provides meals to those in need, holding Tar Wars presentations at local elementary schools, collaborating with other interest groups to host primary care week, hosting work-life balance panels and a post-match panels, and even an ACA week of action. Howard’s FMIG regularly attends events from the DCAFP and attends the Family Medicine Education Consortium annual meeting each year. In 2016, they were recognized for their record amount of student participants. From hands on clinical procedure trainings, to marching on Capitol Hill to advocate for healthcare reform, the HUCM FMIG stands firm in its belief that Family
Medicine is the most vital specialty. The FMIG’s dedication has led the group to become the 2016-2017 HUCM Interest Group of the Year. Their strong push for collaborating with other primary care interest groups, persistence in rallying colleagues for events, and genuine cheerful attitudes is what sets the FMIG apart from other interest groups in the college of medicine!